IP Channel library full

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    Profile photo of dnxmirrorsoundsdnxmirrorsounds


    I use the library for storing channel configs for the different instruments and singers etc. I keep hitting the limit of how many I can have saved which is really annoying. I moved some old ones off but it is still a limiting factor.

    Also, there is no “delete” or rename for a stored setting. this would be rather useful too.



    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Duncan

    We will be re-evaluating the memory allocations for shows and libraries we hope to expand this for ilive firmware 1.7.

    In the meantime you could save your libraries to a USB key to expand the amount you can save.


    Also, there is no “delete” or rename for a stored setting. this would be rather useful too.

    If you go to the library manager page on the touchscreen in Utilities – Configuration – Library manager
    You can delete specific libraries or whole sections of libraries in this window.
    You can also reneame libraries by selecting the library you wish to change the name of then press the name box below where you select your libraries.

    Hope this helps
    Sam A&H

    Profile photo of Anonymous


    Originally posted by Stealth

    We will be re-evaluating the memory allocations for shows and libraries we hope to expand this for ilive firmware 1.7.

    Great!! We are a church and with all our volunteers, digital drums, and our Christmas outreach with 20 headset mics, I hit the memory limit of the surface pretty quickly. More than 100 will be a welcome feature.


    Tim Gibson
    Tech Director
    EV Free Church
    Crystal Lake, IL

    Profile photo of dnxmirrorsoundsdnxmirrorsounds

    Thanks for this. I’ll check out the Library manager tonight. I have used it to archive to USB and then Archive off the USB on my laptop but I will check out what else I can do on-touch.



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