Recall Safe

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    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Had a show the other day 5 scenes created for the various bands and warm up acts.

    Then a compere comes upto me and asks where he can plug his radio mic in, so into a spare channel we plug him in and get a quick linecheck, Signal gets heavily attenuated as it is a hot signal.

    I then “Recall Safe” the radio mic channel.

    All ok till i recall the next scene and then his mic goes into supernova level cos the preamps are not included in the recall safe.

    Apparently this is deliberate, i spoke with Leon at A&H while on the show.

    On every other desk Recall Safe is exactly that, it enables you to recall the next scene with the knowledge that the channel is “Safe” from changes.

    Who here thinks preamp should be included in recall safe??? (or at least have the option to include)

    What i ended up doing was going back into the initial soundchecked scene, saving his channel as an “Input Library” and then recalling each scene and quickly applying the Input Library preset including preamp level.

    Profile photo of soundsound


    Originally posted by grahamwhite

    All ok till i recall the next scene and then his mic goes into supernova level cos the preamps are not included in the recall safe.
    Who here thinks preamp should be included in recall safe??? (or at least have the option to include)

    I learned it the hard way, too [:(!]
    So, yes, preamp should be included – top priority IMHO.


    Profile photo of josiaspiconejosiaspicone

    I was never so insulted as when I discovered that. Preamp must be included

    Solo se que no se nada

    Profile photo of StixStix

    Yep – Include my vote as I have had the exact same problem – it was the MC channel as well!
    I fixed it in a different way – by editing scenes and removing the preamp of just the MC radio mic channel from each scene. This can be done without having to recall each scene first so does not disrupt any live audio. You can have the scene window and edit window open at the same time in the editor and quickly select each scene, remove the pre (scene will update automatically), select next scene, remove preamp etc etc. Still – I would prefer if the pre’s were included in scene safe’s!


    Profile photo of Mr-BMr-B

    Got a feeling I was told long ago that this was because the pre amp could appear in a number of places so it was thought better to not include it in the recall safe. I have to admit I did not agree, if a thing is safe it should be SAFE. So I also vote (if this were a democracy) to have it included and be done with it, however if we were being kind I guess as an option in (another) menu would be OK as long as the default were to be set “Pre Amp safe” so I would not have to remember to look for this menu.[;)]

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