Copy over scenes

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  • #22196
    Profile photo of Anonymous


    I’m using the ILive T80 in combination with the IDR32 in our church. A great combination!

    Now we are working with different schema’s for different speech and bandsettings. Sometimes I’m adjusting a channel in scene 1 and I would also like to use the same setting in scene 2. I’ve tried copying and using the library, but I’m not getting it…[:I] Perhaps it is something simple, or just not possible, but I’m out of options… Anyone an idea? I’m using firmware 1.51.

    Hope to hear from you!
    Greetings, Beukel

    ILive T80/IDR32 Newbie…

    Profile photo of selfmadeselfmade


    i would store a new scene with just the input faders.
    you can filter it in the scene menu under “edit”. there you can select what you want to have stored in the scene. then you have to “update” and not “store all” your scene!

    the effect is, that the scene just recall the settings you´ve “updated” in the scene, and everything else keeps it leves or value´s.

    i´ve written a scene called “FX setup” where i´ve just stored all relevant internal fx value´s incl the mix-bus, fx return levels, and softkey´s. i tried the scene on an other ilive last weekend…works perfect!

    greetings from hamburg, timo

    Profile photo of KB7981KB7981

    Why not scene safe the channel before recalling the next scene and then update or store all the scene that you want it in?

    Indiana, USA

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Thanx for your replies.

    I’ve been trying several things this weekend, but it is just not working the way i wanted.

    Correct me if i’m wrong, but this is wat I do:

    I have in scene ‘STDsetup’ 2 input channels configured. These inputs are for my speech settings. These work fine. In the scene ‘Band A’, i want to copy these 2 inputs(speechsettings) as configured in ‘STDsetup’ so i can use them there.

    This is what i do: In SceneManager i recall the ‘Band A’ setting, so this is my current scene. Then in SceneManager i select ‘STDsetup’ and choose ‘Edit’ and select in Channel View these 2 input channels en choose ‘Update’. But it looks like nothing happens in het ‘Band A’ scene… Is my scene updated now, or not?

    Hope you can help this newbie… [:I]

    ILive T80/IDR32 Newbie…

    Profile photo of selfmadeselfmade

    why don´t make a “user preset” of your inputchannel and paste that preset at the channel/scenes you want to use. maybe that´s the best way for your problem!

    it´s a little bit difficult to realise it with the scenes, but here´s my way:

    first off all, you have to recall the “stdsetup” than you store a new preset that calls “mic channels” (for example).
    the “mic channels” scene have to be stored edited not “store all”!!!
    choose the parameters that should be stored at that scene under “edit” in the scene menu and than “update” the scene…not “store all”

    than you can recall the “mic channels” scene in every other scene you´ve actually been useing. but carefull, you store two channels, and these both channels should have the same in the scene, where you want to use them!

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