Anyone running two editor sessions at once?

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  • #22194
    Profile photo of KB7981KB7981

    Just as the subject says.

    I was wondering if it is possible or if anyone is running two sessions of the editor (on different PC’s) with a surface all at the same time and if there are/would be any problems in doing this.

    I realize they would need to have different IP addresses for each editor machine.

    I was thinking of having an editor at the surface to use when training (as well as other things) and the other at the stage for use when no one is at the surface during set-ups or to make monitor adjustments without calling out to the operator at the surface.


    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Kris

    Yes it is possible to run 2 computers running Editor to an iLive system.

    it is advised if you run multiple sessions of editor connected to an system that the computers at least match our recommended specification as this will effect how fast the system will run.
    below is a link to the spec document

    Hope this helps
    Sam A&H

    Profile photo of Jas@MCFJas@MCF

    Hi Kris

    I have done this

    During some training we had 3 MacBooks and 1 PC laptop all connected to an iLive80 and all went without a problem


    Profile photo of KB7981KB7981

    Thanks for the replies. Sounds like I will be hooking in another computer then.

    Indiana, USA

    Profile photo of AlbinAlbin

    We do a lot of Gigs in Pubs in Winter – and there i only use my IDR32 – connect an Router and control the sound with my Tablet PC – but always have an back up laptop – connected via lan runnung a second editor – so i could connect via remote desktop if the editor on the tablet crashes.
    Works without any problems so far.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Never had any problems running several editor sessions, together with Tweak and MixPad.

    Profile photo of RaySRayS

    some things to keep in mind in doing a multiple pc/mac editor session……

    When used for both foh and mon applications, I had instances when modifying scenes in the monitor editor would slow/momentarily freeze the response from the foh surface, which could be at a critical moment……to alleviate this I have selected (upon consult with A&H) to connect the mon editors to the mixrack only and the foh editor to the surface and mixrack although the A&H manual clearly suggests this should not be done……..some careful management of resources and basic discipline is also essential. Scene saves are another area of concern when using multiple editors for different “mixes” i.e. foh vs mon…’s important to understand the scene management scheme for both operators in order to minimize interaction between the two applications………. YMMV



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