Problem with SECENES in Editor Offline Mode

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  • #22191
    Profile photo of mamelmamel

    I have a strange behaviour using the scene-memories with editor Software 1.53:

    What I do:

    Start Editor 1.53 on Mac OS 10.6.1, Java 1.5, Mode Offline, I DR 48, T112. Then:

    1. Recall Show
    2. Store a scene

    After storing the scene I can’t do anything more within the scene screen. I have to reload the show when I want to store more than one scene or when I want to reload a scene. No Button except the “reorder mode” button does respond to any click…

    Is this a known bug?
    I have to prepare a show and under these circumstances it is not really funny if you know what I mean… :(

    Any tips?


    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Manuel

    Snow Leopard is not currently supported in v1.53

    Though this is a known issue with v1.53 Editor on Snow Leopard.

    This should be fixed in the next Editor release.

    Sam A&H

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