Exact fader positioning

Forums Forums iLive Forums Archived iLive Discussions Exact fader positioning

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  • #22186
    Profile photo of memusicmemusic

    Is there a possibility to find my correct / wished fader position step by step on my Ilive T80. Sometimes it seems to depend on my personal luck whether the encoder turns e. g. to -0,2 or +0,2 but I want to bring it exactly to 0.0… (same is for EQ / no simple way to reset single freq. …)
    I know that such a correct positioning is not really relevant for a live performance cause nobody will be able to listen to such a difference, but I`m used to work in such an exact way because for me it`s very helpfull to remember my settings easier if they have been set on a clear position.
    Is there a quick way to see the level/(maybe better: faderposition) on the small channel leds without moving the fader or without using the routing function and watching the touchscreen.

    Hope my limited English is good enough to understand my question. Thanks for your answer!

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