Editor and output X-over

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    Profile photo of przemkoprzemko


    Please tell me if I am doing something wrong, but I cannot switch the Aux to PostGate etc. from computer editor. When I am doing monitors from laptop, I always have to ask FOH engineer to do that.

    I also have a little suggestion – having plenty of outputs makes a potentnial possibility to use iLive as the speaker processor. Perhaps it would be good to make separate effect algorithm for that purpose, i.e. to use it ass X-over ? At the moment, I cannot tune the LPF on the EQ below 2 kHz. I would love to have a separate block (maybe as an effect) with crossover, EQ made especially to tune my subwoofer and parametric EQ with some more bands…

    Looking forward to upgrade to 1.51 due to naming and colouring problem with my VIA C3 1 gHz touchscreen ;)

    best regards


    Profile photo of Mr-BMr-B

    Being quite old I remember when an on board speaker processor was talked about, but as most companies already had processors from various companies it would be like reinventing the wheel and who wants to do that, I believe there is a service bulletin or help file written to use an iDR4 or 8 as a speaker processor fed from an iLive. An e-mail to Leon at the factory or Tech help would sort that out.

    Profile photo of przemkoprzemko


    what I exactly mean is that the iLive has almost everything (PEQ, limiters) what is needed to manage speakers in some situations, instead of involving additional device. The only thing missed is an X-over, which is probably not so difficult to implement.

    best regards


    Profile photo of Mr-BMr-B

    I hear you, you could add it to the wish list elsewhere on the forum.
    Lots of things on that list seem to appear in the software a couple of revisions further down the line, Lake style output sections now there is a thought. As a temporary measure you could try using the HI and Low pass options in the Parametric section for each output to create simple band pass filters though you are limited to the slope of those filters which I believe is not great 6-10dB per octave possibly. I am sure with some care you could realise a simple crossover. You would of course have to create multiple versions of the outputs possibly in a matrix then group them together to give you left and right. Bit of a complex path but I am sure you could do it.

    Profile photo of robcrobc

    Its on the wish list.


    Profile photo of StealthStealth


    Please tell me if I am doing something wrong, but I cannot switch the Aux to PostGate etc. from computer editor. When I am doing monitors from laptop, I always have to ask FOH engineer to do that.

    Editor v1.51 has the functionality to change where the Aux send point is.
    To change this right click on the Aux channel you wish to change and select – routing – Aux Send Source – post Gate etc

    Hope this helps
    Sam A&H

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