Editor 1.51 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard?

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  • #22122
    Profile photo of TuejoTuejo

    Should this run? If not when? I use Stylistic Tablets with XP for shows so it is not a problem for me.

    Profile photo of Lieven-DewispelaereLieven-Dewispelaere


    I installed snow leopard friday and when i tried to start the editor i only got the ‘connect to surface and rack’. offline and rack only was not available. Not a problem for me because i mainly use windows. on my imac the editor version runs also slower when I recall or archive a show( on OSX 1.5).


    Disclaimer: I disclaim everything. The contents of this message might be totally inaccurate, inappropriate, misguided, or otherwise perverse – except for my name (hopefully I got that right).

    Profile photo of TuejoTuejo

    Hey Lieven.

    Same here. I only get the online option. It should only bee for some “home editing” but I can just take an XP machine then.

    Best from Tue

    Profile photo of Studio42Studio42

    I’m planning on upgrading to Snow Leopard fairly soon, but even so, I’m buying it in a few days so I have it handy when it comes time to upgrade. I’m mainly holding off since DigiDesign is saying to wait. Since I do most of my work on an MacBook Pro running BootCamp, I also have XP Home loaded on the machine. I find if some upgrade/update causes something I use(such as ProTools) to stop working, I boot to the other OS and keep on chugging along. Sort of a best of both worlds. The current iLive editor, to the best of what I can determine, works just fine on XP on a MacBook Pro. Of course, I don’t have an iLive system yet, so I’m learing the editor to jump start my learning. I haven’t installed it when booted as a Mac yet. I mainly use this laptop as a PC, but I prefer ProTools as a Mac.

    My solution is good as it means fewer computers to lug around, or at least in theory.

    I wonder what will happen when Apple runs out of big cats to name their OS after? Could be interesting!

    Chris Pickett, Studio42 916-601-7089
    Allen & Heath ML5000 48B and future iLive T112/IRD48 owner.

    Profile photo of GeepGeep

    Same problem here with Mac mini. Have not loaded Snow Leopard on my Macbook Pro due to advisory from Rational Acoustics that SMAART doesn’t seem to be compatible with the update, so not a problem here either. Perhaps it will get fixed in 1.52


    Profile photo of mjpruzinmjpruzin

    I recently made the upgrade and discovered the same issue. Here is A&H response:

    >We hope that R&D and beta testing of the application will be completed soon for this new >OS. However, at present, only
    >OSX 10.4.x/10.5.x and WinXP/Vista (32Bit platforms) are supported.

    >Best Regards
    >Allen & Heath Technical Support

    No issues when reverting to 10.5.x Leopard.


    M. Jason Pruzin
    Sound Designer/Engineer
    Arkansas Repertory Theatre

    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    iLive Editor 1.53 works with Snow Leopard 10.6

    Note: Set the Java preferences to 32bit mode NOT 64bit mode

    Sam A&H

    Profile photo of thomaskthomask

    On Snow Leopard edit the iLiveEditor bash file and add the -d32 option to the java commands (2 times).

    cd `dirname $0`
    if [ -n “$JAVA_HOME” ]; then
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -d32 -Xms256m -Xmx512m -jar ./iLive_Editor_1.53.jar $*
    java -d32 -Xms256m -Xmx512m -jar ./iLive_Editor_1.53.jar $*
    cd $OLDPWD

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