Editor Hardware – Laptop Vs Touch Tablet

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  • #22077
    Profile photo of bucksbucks

    Hello All

    I’m interested in what hardware people are using to run Editor.

    We’ll use the information to hopefully improve the user interface so please get involved and answer the 2 questions below.

    1) Are you using:
    a) Laptop with Mouse / Touchpad ?
    b) Tablet PC with Touch Screen ?

    2) Do you find the buttons to small to click on, or are they adequately sized.

    I.E Do you miss when clicking on Mute / PAFL on the channels, or generally get what you were aiming for!

    Many thanks for your help.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hello Andy.

    I´m using a Tablet PC with WLAN (Tosh**a).
    It´s a great pleasure to cotrol the whole system from every place in the venue.
    It would be fine to have the MIX and SEL Buttons a little bit larger (on the PC Screen)


    Profile photo of AlbinAlbin

    Using an Lenovo X200 Tablet PC – and had no problems so far – i agree – the sel+mix buttons could be a little bit bigger.

    One thing left – would be great if the windows could be resized in the editor…

    Keep up the good work!

    Using iLive T112 and IDR32

    Profile photo of maartengeluidmaartengeluid

    Hello Everybody,

    Just experiencing with my laptop and the editor (1.50) software.

    Bigger PFL/sel/Mix buttons would be wonderfull, maybe a separate “custom” screen for the mixbusses can be helpfull.
    Than you can make your own selection of masters/stereo-Mono auxes etc.

    I would like to use a tablet pc to do monitors onstage.
    A second PFL is then absolutely neccesary.


    Profile photo of Lieven-DewispelaereLieven-Dewispelaere


    There is already a custom window in the editor 1.5 where you can have different tab’s to quick switch to the layout you want. You can place whatever combination you want.

    about the seperate PFL. You need the hardware available in the rack to have one pfl on the surface and a different one on the rack. I supose that isn’t the case. That’s why you would need a second processboard ( IDR32/48 or IDR0, IDR10) .

    kind regards


    Profile photo of maartengeluidmaartengeluid

    Hi Lieven,

    Oops yes, just overlooked that you can have different tabs…
    thanks for the hint!

    About the second PFL, i think it should just be an extra “software” buss, routable to the mixrack?!

    best ragards,


    Profile photo of Lieven-DewispelaereLieven-Dewispelaere

    Hi ,

    Used the laptop with touchscreen for monitor mixing ( split 32 channels )last weekend.One problem i found: when you select PAFL by accident then the headphone output on the surface changes to the selected ( monitor ) channel. That’s a little bit sceary for the FOH guy.Is it possible to disable the PAFL button in the editor in the next edition? Also it would be great to be able to have the headphone output on the rack to be a different source as the one on the surface so you can use it to monitor on stage. in order to be able to do that now you have to buy a IDR0 and 2 ACE cards ( 4000.00 euro without taxes ) that’s a litte heavy for een monitor headphone/wedge capabality. I now, you get also extra 64 channel everything and 8 EFX but i don’t need that now.
    Will this ever be possible? I don’t wanne buy an IDR0 in the end and find out that in the next release this feature is supported.

    Is it possible to do gain tracking in the future? Auto monitor trim when surface preamp( or surface trim in lock mode) changes? would be handy.

    Large MIX an SEL BUTTONS please


    Disclaimer: I disclaim everything. The contents of this message might be totally inaccurate, inappropriate, misguided, or otherwise perverse – except for my name (hopefully I got that right).

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