Wi Fi

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  • #22046
    Profile photo of josiaspiconejosiaspicone

    Hello everyone. I made some time ago that the company I work for bought a wi fi router to connect my laptop to the iLive and works when I change the IP numbers to the console, the rack and the touchscreen (the router’s IP coincided with the rack). This I did with version 1.31 (I think), this week i made the update of the firmware to version 1.43, change the IP numbers and lost network connections of the entire system, I had to do a reset of the network board and the system returned running. The question is: How do I connect the router wi fi?

    Sorry about my “Tarzan” english style


    Solo se que no se nada

    Profile photo of stuartukstuartuk

    Hi Jota

    Suggest you change the IP address of your WiFi access point say to Assign a static IP address to your laptop say, and keep the default IP addresses of the iLive components. You could use the DHCP feature if it has one of your WiFi access point or router, assigning a range of 20 IP addresses, starting at 20. You should find that the Editor software will find the surface or iDR when you try to connect. I always find it takes a lot longer to sync up over WiFi than on a wired LAN connection.

    BTW it goes without saying that you should implement security at the access point. At least WEP, or preferably WPA.


    Profile photo of millstmillst

    I have done a number of tests with the I-Live over WiFi.
    I found it operates considerably faster without encryption (WEP).

    You actually don’t need encryption as such, it doesn’t really matter if people snoop your traffic. All you need to do is have security so only known devices can connect.
    The best way of doing this is to enable MAC address restrictions on the WiFi router so that only certain MAC addresses can connect.

    This gives you speed and security.

    Profile photo of josiaspiconejosiaspicone

    thank you very much for your reply, I did that a few days ago and it worked wonderfully![:D]

    Solo se que no se nada

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