Firmware version and editor

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  • #21981
    Profile photo of mdsaudiomdsaudio

    Hi guys,
    I upgraded my firmware a couple of weeks ago when it first became available, all went well.
    Is this ok to use with the editor software or do I need to upgrade again as I noticed the date on the download page now reads 22nd sept?
    I’m not sure if this is the same version or not. The release notes seem the same. My ilive is packed in the truck and I can’t get to it at the moment to try it.
    Any ideas?

    Profile photo of lydonenlydonen

    It seems like You need to upgrade to firmware 1.32 to be able to use the editor.

    Profile photo of CareyDCareyD

    Yes, you should upgrade your console with 1.32 firmware to use it with this first release of the Editor. It is best to keep your console updated with the latest firmware at all times. It’s quick to download and update, and keeps you up to date with new features, improvements and bug fixes. These are documented in the Release Notes that come with the firmware.
    All the best,
    Carey (A&H)

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