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  • #30391
    Profile photo of PeterMPeterM

    I love my iLive, but I am still struggling with rider acceptance issues.

    I think part of the reason is that every guest engineer’s experience with an iLive is different. Every time they encounter an iLive it’s been set up differently, sometimes good, sometimes not. This makes the initial experience confusing for a guest or festival engineer … and its first impressions that count. In comparison, every time they use a Yamaha or Avid it’s the same.

    I would like to see a fixed standard configuration to access some of the main functions…. So that every iLive is similar, no matter who’s iLive you use. That not to suggest that I want to reduce or restrict its flexibility. I just want to be able to walk up to a iLive be able to use it no matter how badly it’s been configured …

    Option 1
    Perhaps AH could assign the first 4 user buttons as –
    1) Aux
    2) DCA
    3) Groups
    4) EFX

    Press button 1 and you would have the first 8 Aux’s appear on the top layer of the designated “control” faders, then the next 8 on the next layer etc. etc. The same for DCA’s, Groups, & EFX’s.

    AH could provide owners with a sticker to label these permanently.

    I’m sure some people would not be happy with this – 4 fixed and 4 user buttons when they now have 8 … so under user preferences allow an option of having 4x fixed + 4x user … or 8 x user buttons.

    Now when the guest engineer asks – how do I get to the Aux’s? the answer is simple – press the button marked Aux and so….(and is the same on every desk)

    It may also allow you more flexibility especially with the smaller surfaces – one bank of faders could now have 8 different functions instead of 4.

    Option 2
    Do something like the above but as a touch screen “pop” function.

    Soft Key Suggestion – select an Aux and have the GEQ immediately on the faders


    Profile photo of PitkPitk


    Originally posted by PeterM

    I love my iLive, but I am still struggling with rider acceptance issues.

    I think part of the reason is that every guest engineer’s experience with an iLive is different. Every time they encounter an iLive it’s been set up differently, sometimes good, sometimes not. This makes the initial experience confusing for a guest or festival engineer … and its first impressions that count. In comparison, every time they use a Yamaha or Avid it’s the same.

    The situation is pretty much the same as with lighting consoles or DAW:s these days: You have many possibilities to execute the show. I really like the possibility to create the mix surface the way I want it, not the way Yamaha wants it. This leads to situation that house engineer must be experienced with the console and he/she must understand different approaches to both the surface and mixing.

    Well, standard is good for many people but flexibility for others. They just cannot be in the same dinner table ;-)


    PS Sorry for off topic, this could be a nice topic to talk about.

    Jukka “Pitkä” Kurkela
    Äänimaisema Oy, Finland
    iLiveT80 / iDr32

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR


    PS Sorry for off topic, this could be a nice topic to talk about.

    hey go for it.. it’s interesting…

    R-72, iDR-16, xDR-16, Dante

    Profile photo of PeterMPeterM


    Originally posted by Pitk


    Originally posted by PeterM

    I love my iLive, but I am still struggling with rider acceptance issues.

    I think part of the reason is that every guest engineer’s experience with an iLive is different. Every time they encounter an iLive it’s been set up differently, sometimes good, sometimes not. This makes the initial experience confusing for a guest or festival engineer … and its first impressions that count. In comparison, every time they use a Yamaha or Avid it’s the same.

    The situation is pretty much the same as with lighting consoles or DAW:s these days: You have many possibilities to execute the show. I really like the possibility to create the mix surface the way I want it, not the way Yamaha wants it. This leads to situation that house engineer must be experienced with the console and he/she must understand different approaches to both the surface and mixing.

    Well, standard is good for many people but flexibility for others. They just cannot be in the same dinner table ;-)


    PS Sorry for off topic, this could be a nice topic to talk about.

    Jukka “Pitkä” Kurkela
    Äänimaisema Oy, Finland
    iLiveT80 / iDr32

    I’m not suggesting that the flexibility, or the ability to customizing the desk be changed.

    I have seen iLives set up very badly. When you watch the engineer, the work flow is awful. This reflects badly on the iLive especially when a guest engineer has to use the desk. They walk away not liking the iLive when it’s a great desk they could have fallen in love with [:)]

    I’m just trying to find a way to minimize this problem within the confines of the current hardware. To make the operation of the desk as quick and easy as possible, especially when you have to walk in and do a mix during a festival. A way to by-pass a crap setup!

    To me the new GLD’s layout, labeling, appearance and minor functional changes have made it very user friendly; enough to address much of what underpins my suggestion above – just hope the new firmware is able to do the same for the iLive.

    FWIW If I could change the hardware I would:

    • add 4 buttons like the GLD to select the function of the rotary channel knob.(love that)
    • add a separate L R master fader
    • add 4 (or more) buttons next to the layer buttons that take you to AUX, DCA,GROUPS & EFX
    • add 8 extra user defined buttons
    • add a user function that will automatically take you to the GEQ on faders e.g 16-FB mixes – press one user button and you have the GEQ for that send immediately on faders.


    Profile photo of mumumumu

    as we do a lot of baby sitting (guest engineers)i “shrunk” down from advanced setups back to analogue approach –
    simple layers
    A / B
    just master (on the far right) and channels 1 to what ever channel number the surface can.

    on the layers C / D i “hide” all the other stuff (effects groups dca e.t.c)
    works pretty good this way one is not confusing a ing. seeing the console for the first time. from there on i configure the surface to his needs.

    interesting how engineers are not used to “the service” i offer them to customize the surface – perhaps coz there are to many engineers (babysitters) out there not giving a damn….(hey i am so cool dont you dare to ask me…) .

    not to forget that i have seen hamayahs and soundtracks and slowtools consoles setup as a complete desaster specially routing – conclusion:
    most pro engineers know – if they stand in front of messed up console – this is not a console problem but a companys problem, like in the analogue days one would find a non reset console – still today if i take over on a festival the f.o.h. i spend ,during change over, at least 5 to 10 minutes getting rid of to many compressors gates eq s and bloody reverbs everywhere.

    much blah blah short conclusion:

    i bring my idr 48 my laptop a pl6 and the standard question is:
    good morning do you have a cat five from foh to stage? i give you L and R sub if you need – do you have a little sub for the drums? yep the rest is in ear thank you.


    allways latest firm and software
    iLive-144/t-80/idr-10 /idr-48/dante/pl-6/eyepad 1/belkin router/

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    If I’m doing the babysitter job I always keep things clear.

    As I only have 12 faders in two banks I put the inputs on bank A, mixes on bank B.

    Layer 1 on bank B is mostly the MainMix and the most important delay or fill matrix.
    Layer 2 and 3 contain the monitor mixes, 4 and 5 the FX, layer 6 is for groups and DCA or other special stuff.

    I stored this in a separate scene and carry them with me so I can recall the scene everywhere…
    Once in a while I do the monitor tech in a small club around here with a T-112. There I have my own scene carrying in a different show on the USB to always have the ability to recall my own setting.
    USB scene transfer makes this easy…

    R-72, iDR-16, xDR-16, Dante

    Profile photo of PeterMPeterM

    We are all doing something similar. For a small show with monitors from FOH I use:-

    Layer A – Outputs, 6 AUX + LR
    Layer B – EFX, 4 x EFX sends + 4 x EFX returns
    Layer C – 8 x DCAs
    Layer D – 4 x Groups + 4 x spare

    BUT … each of us is doing it slightly differently, and not everybody is doing it as logically as us.

    Imagine, you are guess engineer and your first few encounters with an iLive are all different and the desk has been set up poorly … you are never going to add iLive to your rider list, and it’s going to take lot of convincing before you change your mind.


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR


    Originally posted by PeterM
    BUT … each of us is doing it slightly differently, and not everybody is doing it as logically as us.

    Imagine, you are guess engineer and your first few encounters with an iLive are all different and the desk has been set up poorly … you are never going to add iLive to your rider list, and it’s going to take lot of convincing before you change your mind.

    I know, I know…
    Maybe it’s a hint for some system guys doing it better…

    R-72, iDR-16, xDR-16, Dante

    Profile photo of mumumumu

    maybe we should do a dedicated thread for this issue…
    get a “common sense” show setup – just an idea – and share it as a standard,
    difficult coz not all i live users are in the forum, therefore it should end up as default show within the next firmware –

    maybe even a british / continental / american version.

    the british often still have the “left traffic” thing (no it is not a joke i had to setup a digico sd8 24 fader console offline with their editor wich shows default 36 faders it took me half a day till i ve found out that the layer on the far left is the one i had to get rid off (channel surface 1 is the one physically on the right /2 center/3 left)

    just thinking here (or at least trying to[;)]


    allways latest firm and software
    iLive-144/t-80/idr-10 /idr-48/dante/pl-6/eyepad 1/belkin router/

    Profile photo of Lieven-DewispelaereLieven-Dewispelaere

    Please make the tap tempo soft-key more accurate. it confuses the BE and is way off.
    I know i can do it more precise on the screen but then you have to go forth and back between screens and that confuses the BE even more.


    Save a tree, eat a beaver

    Profile photo of mumumumu

    unchangeable scenes (scenesafe scene) would be handy – hope i did not find it and its there-
    scenes folder (probably asked for somewhere)- most of the time i run the same basic setup – but have different bands – a folder for each band would be very handy (no show changing anymore)plus one could make a “factory” default scenes folder containing the unchangeable scenes i mentioned before.

    something kinda like this


    allways latest firm and software
    iLive-144/t-80/idr-10 /idr-48/dante/pl-6/eyepad 1/belkin router/

    Profile photo of PitkPitk

    This might’ve been mentioned. So what, here it comes (again?):

    In Show manager and Scene manager should definitely be DATE and TIME always. And possibility to order files by date and time.


    Jukka “Pitkä” Kurkela
    Äänimaisema Oy, Finland
    iLiveT80 / iDr32

    Profile photo of kentlowtkentlowt

    Obviously a hardware change would be needed to do this but, I would like to see scribble strips next to the layer buttons to label the layers.


    Profile photo of vilddyrvilddyr

    Hi. We need to be able to ude the short returns (fx returns) for external effects return. I really dont understand why this is not already possible :) using mixer channels is not very handy, want to use these for actual channels!

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I badly miss a multiband compressor. I am considering working around this problem by running my mic signals out of MADI, back into the Mac, processing them in Logic, and sending them back, and accepting the delay …

    Pretty please with cherries on top?! :-)

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