1U Rack Engine SQ model

Forums Forums SQ Forums SQ feature suggestions 1U Rack Engine SQ model

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  • #92497
    Profile photo of jonathhojonathho

    I recently joined the SQ world coming from Midas M32, DL32, M32 Core for our very active regional touring band. (starting back up in 2 weeks in fact!). I also mix weekly on Digico S and SD series and have a lot of Midas Pro experience as well, but this system is my own so was looking for the best for the money, and I’m a huge new fan of SQ. Nothing in it’s price range has the phase coherency, ability for dynamic EQ (real, not what S series calls it) and a usable multi-band comp – plus running 96k.

    That said, I really miss using the M32 Core for redundancy and on the occasion (opening act, minimal footprint) we would use the Core with the DL32 stage box as a iPad only mixer – worked great for years – and is the only thing I miss. It’s was always in my rack and ready to go by only changing the Ethercon and ethernet to WiFi as a backup to the main board should it fail for any reason. I’d buy such an item in an instant and would strongly prefer to be 1U with no I/O at all as that’s better IMHO than 16 48k inputs in a 3-4U rack mount – why not use the very good stage boxes that exist and allow mix and match.

    Probably been said before but wanted to put it out there! Keep it up…great product line!

    P.S. My very minor 2nd with would be saturation type DEEP plugins, but that’s for another day.

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