Playing with the ABCD functionality to see how it all works, I ran into 2 issues. Neither are show stoppers as long as you are aware of them.
1) Switching inputs to Stereo drops BCD assignments
– Enable ABCD on a mono input, assign odd numbered sources for A and B.
– Switch the mono input to Stereo.
– A is still there and now stereo adjacent channels, as it has always worked.
– B is reset to unassigned
2) IO Input Page doesn’t display any active patching for an input if an unassigned source is active
– Enable ABCD on an input (mono or stereo), assign sources for A and B, leaving C and D unassigned. Disconnected sources can be selected.
– Select A or B as the input source.
– Review the IO Input page, for Input A and Input B, and you will see the patches are displayed as expected.
– Select C (unassigned) as the input source.
– Review the IO Input page, for Input A and Input B, you will not see anything patched for any inputs. ****
– Repatch. It will repatch (and ask you to confirm, if necessary), but will not display the new patching.
– Go to the input Preamp page and you will see the new patch.
– Select A or B.
– Review the IO Input Page and you will see the new patches.