1.3 upgrade now ch 16 bleeds thru ar2412

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  • #36873
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hi Guys i experienced a problem last night.. ch 16 with GLD 80 and AR2412
    i had 4 x radio mics from ch13-16 on dsnake with DCA . Found that everytime i turned on the mic in ch16 i had no control with volume its like the fader was at 20% i turned all faders down to “0″ checked all routing all signal paths when i hit dca mute it would mute but when that was off it was like a direct out ?
    NO FX were assigned
    it was a straight copy and paste from one channel to the next and all channels were on DCA and on the Dsnake 2412…
    Any ideas oh its running v1.3

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    it was working fine that night i i was on 1.12 firmware then upgraded to 1.3 and it occured

    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    If it isn’t a bug or a hardware problem then maybe the Input Channel 16 is routed to another Channel that is open!?
    You can check the I/O Paths in the I/O screen by pressing the the bottom Tab after selecting the channel 16! i had once the problem with the RCA inputs because i routed them directly to the main as well as on the Faders 47/48! So after muting the Faders there was still sound on the main!

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