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Profile photo of Anonymous

Just finished listening to 4 sets from Saturday night

Not one skip, It appears that 1.4 has fixed it ( at least for me)

I reformatted the Hard Drive with the board at the beginning of the night
I used a WD My Passport, 500G
I placed it on top of my rack on it’s side, between the mixer and side of the rack ( This puts the Hard Drive about 18″ from my floor tom )
I stopped the recording after each set. After all was done I had a 4 folders with multitracks of each set on my hard drive

I don’t think vibration is a issue. I’ve used the same setup with a PreSonus SL 16.0.2 into a Mac Mini With the Hard drive in the top of the mixer stuck between the mixer and side of the rack and never had a problem. I Think it was just a firmware tweak that seems to be corrected now.

Before the update I would get about 10 skips per night ( 4-50 minute sets). They were quick skips, sometimes almost not noticeable unless you were listening for it.

I’ll record another gig in a few weeks to see if I get the same results
