Reply To: Channel EQ – correct order of parameters?

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Profile photo of Anonymous

Hello. I recently used 3 of these together for a large surface area. after the third day of mixing acoustic instruments I still stuggled with getting the Q knob to go the correct way when trying to select the shelving setting but the knob that had me jumping was the compression knob. to myself the compression either adding or sub tracting should go clockwise to push down and anti clockwise to raise or subtract the amount required. Even though we sound checked multiple acts, of course when there is 500 people sitting in front you need to tweak these sorts of knobs. I founbd myself repeatedly turning the comp knob the wrong way. I’m used to using lots of DBX-1060 comps and out board 31band EQues. However I used no inserts!
Anyhow the desks were stunning for acoustic instruments!