Reply To: Playback from flat vocal recording very trebly

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Profile photo of ljefeljefe

I record through the QU-16 every day and I’ve not had that issue at all. The fidelity of the recordings is excellent. I don’t know if this is the trouble, but make sure you are recording from the Insert Sends rather than Direct. From page 66 in the pdf manual:

CH/ST/Grp source button
Set this to Insert Sends if you do not want the input channel and group USB sends to be affected by the mixer processing (EQ, Comp, Gate, Delay). This sends the raw Preamp and unprocessed Group signals to the USB stream and is the typical setting for live recording.
Set this to Direct Outs if you want the input channel USB sends to follow the channel global Direct Output option. It also sets the Group sends to be post- processing and post-fader. This is the typical setting for studio recording (working with a DAW).
Note – The global Direct Output option affects all inputs and is set in the channel Routing screen.

If you are looking for the cleanest signal path, set your recording source to Insert Sends. If you use the QU for recording, you’ll find the manual lacking and confusing. (But the desk is not, luckily!)