Profile photo of Joe90Joe90

Totally 100% agree with the posts above, my business is fairly small and I can’t afford £10k+ on a mixer. The iLive has enabled to me enter the digital world for alot less and as I don’t have a surface so the control updates that have been done are very beneficial to me. As my business expands I can add a surface when funds are availible and the iLive being “one big happy family” is a massive plus point. If you have got a precious effect that needs to be used then it can be inserted in the normal analogue way. For the price I paid for my iDR-32 I could have got a Presonus Studiolive which I think is quite novel but lacks so many of the iLive featues, an LS9-16 (maybe) sorry.. no thanks or a GL2800 plus some limited outboard. I’m sure these requests will gradually find there way into the mixer.

As I don’t tend to do theatre work I’m not so worried about the scene management but I’m quite happy for A&H to concentrate on this as its high on peoples requests. I think its about being patient…


Motion Computing LE1700
iPad – sometime soon