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Originally posted by RayS

There is a mono template…..in “mixer config”
manuals here: https://www.allen-heath.com/ilive/downloads/documents

I’m not seeing that on the linked page. Is it maybe included in another document that has been renamed?


I think the best iLive tip would be save your mixer config , patch etc..in the first scene “save all” then save that show…use other scenes to change/update only parameters that need to be changed…..

as far as terminology …..scenes =snapshots!

secrets.: got my mon guy to connect to “mixrack only” while I connect to “surface and mixrack” keeps independent paths should one of us go down…….wi fi control is great……

Meaning that your monitor guide is using the iLive Editor via WiFi? You have to patch the surface to the rack with a cable, don’t you?

Thanks for the other tips!

iLive T-112 & iDR-48