Profile photo of bucksbucks

Hello All

I’ve never seen such enthusiasm!

What can I say that won’t land me in trouble…

We’re working on it, its going into BETA shortly.

Before everyone offers to help, we’re fine testing it at A&H ;-)

The problem with committing to a release date is the Apple review process takes a variable amount of time, and we need time to change any code they don’t like, then resubmit the application for approval.

As a finger in the air, the absolute earliest you’ll see it on the iTunes store would be early / mid January.

This doesn’t mean it will be released then, it just means our best estimate is you won’t get it any sooner than this.

I hope this helps, I’m sorry its non committal, but the test phase and the Apple latency make it impossible to predict an exact release date.

Keep being enthusiastic !
