Profile photo of Anonymous

thanks RayS, for your response.
But that it´s not my problem. Because i create my new show on the console (surface), not in editor.
Let me explain:

In a new venue, i start for create a new show, so:
i go to UTILITY / Configuration / Show Manager.
There i made the new show, using a template to be from cero….let´s call it “abc_show”
Then, we have to go to the scene page and select the Surface and the mix rack.
So, here i choose in the list first the iLive T-112 (surface), press recall….. then my idr48 (mixrack), press recall… and for last FINISH, press recall.
Now I exit the Scene Page Menu, and I start to mix. Then I wanna to save my mix and i go to scene page again and here is my problem…
The list to select the surface, mix rack, etc… still being there, it has not cleared.

So, i have to start to save scenes over this list. Starting from the scene number 30 for example. And not from the first scene…

any help ??
