Profile photo of StealthStealth

Hi Photogguy

I would advise that you use the monitor outputs on the back of the T112 surface. These outputs use the PAFL bus so you can PAFL any channel for key listening.
You can then go to the PAFL setup on the touch screen and set Mains to PAFL so that when you clear PAFL (no PAFL selected) the Main output is sent to the output. You also have an analogue volume control on the right hand side of the surface next to the headphone level.

If you wish to add processing to signal sent to the control room monitors i suggest you use a Long Stereo Wedge output This will give you full output proccesing and also allow you to use the PAFL system to key listen to specific channels. When using a wedge output you will have to go to the outputs page and choose where you want to output the signal (e.g. surface TRS jacks) You will also then have to use 1 strip on your surface layout as the level control for the control room monitors.

Hope this helps

Sam A&H