Profile photo of dnxmirrorsoundsdnxmirrorsounds

This looks good at least to get things moving. I can see two scenarios playing out:
1. engineer needs > 48 (+surface12) channels of input and therefore gets 2 MixRacks running in Master/Slave.

2. Engineer wants more other stuff and so therefore uses second mixrack NOT as slave but independent with Computer or second surface control (e.g. R72) and uses the Port B ES connection to tie the systems together as though patched. This way he gets to submix e.g. for strings / choirs Glam metal drum kits, extra FX that can be added to these sub mixes and also, with good planning, group and route from the MixRack1-2 for extra output busses.

I really like the way this is so versatile and getting better as we go.

Oh, what happens when you want to have a mix with a direct connection from an input overlaid on the mix output (Alt. input?) – this won’t work with the Master/Slave set up will it?

How about: Mixes in Master can be mirrored on Slave and the Alt Input can be added from slave.