Profile photo of robcrobc

Walter, your comment about the limiter.

It wasnt designed as a brick wall limiter.
A brick wall limiter will attempt to eliminate any overshoot above the threshold, using fast attack release times. This will introduce HF distortion. Or you can use look-ahead delay allowing the limiter to attack with gain reduction prior to the overshoot – at the expense of increasing signal latency through the mixer.

Our brief from customers was an efficient limiter stage as well as a compressor. The limiter should protect level say for in ears on mixes or a source on an input channel. It should not introduce audible distortion when it limits but ensure that suitable level protection for the ear is performed. It is not suited to protecting speaker drivers from instant excursion etc. Thats for speaker processor limiters or for later processing options.

Customers also wanted the limiter at lower thresholds to tend towards AGC. So if you set the threshold low say -10dB if will have the effect of reducing the fader for programme passages above there, and not clip the audio signal at -10dB – creating continuous distortion.
Its designed to do these things.

I would interested in how you want it to work and whether you use it for more severe limiter protection for speakers for future development.

much thanks