i have a frank zappa tribute where we run 10 stereo in ears.
first i went the same way like you do ( each song has a scene)
during the setting up i found out this way is not flexible enough
(having a scene for each song we have up to 40 songs in that band)
as i am the singer i figured some facts
1.we have “rocky” songs, solos, very “vocaly” songs (drummer,bassist,guitarist,lead voc), bombastic songs,jazz impros,songs without brass section
according to these facts i made my scenes
1. full band dry (quick/hard tunes)
2. full band dry no brass (brass mics muted) (quick/hard tunes)
3. full band wet (slower tunes with a little reverb)
4. full band wet no brass (brass mics muted)(slower tunes with a little reverb)
5. vocal tunes (vocals up,overheads out (as the drummer is singing)
6. sax 1 solo
7. sax 2 solo
8. trumpet solo
9. trombone solo
10. guitar solo
11. keyboard solo
12. percussion solo (marimba/vibes)
13. jazz impro (vocals off/gates off/ overheads alittle up)
that does the job quiet well for us even with a local engineer (ours is doing foh)we just tell him : these are the scenes and here you have a setlist where the scenes we want are pointed out.
so he gets a laptop with the scenes window always open and does nothing but recalls.
and not to forget: the guitar ha a own dedicated reverb (room) as we ve found out during the setup session : if you run the guitar “dry” it is either not there or “covering everything” adding the room verb
gives the guitar a “position” on the in ears.
the vocals share a “roomverb”
and the horns a “plate”
not to forget part 2: the no brass scenes turn off completely the in ears of the horn section (give those ears a break)
just another approach i d say but it works great for us
allen&heath iLive-144 /idr 10 /