interesting iLive system on tour

2012/11/23 in On Tour

iLive is out on a 26 dates tour in Scandinavia with Swedish band Bo Kaspers Orkester.

All sound production is supplied by Parashoot, Stigtomta – Sweden.
The core in the system is the A&H IDR-64 with a port B ACE card,
receiving channels a sending outputs to the 2 xDR-16s.

One xDR-16 is mounted in the backline tech – Simon Yttergren’s guitar rack
and is supplied with port b MADI card for FOH console

The other xDR-16 is mounted in SR keyboard rack for remote inputs.

Keyboard player Mats Schubert of Bo Kaspers is very happy with his
A&H R72 together with a IDR16 MixRack. Giving him lots of flexibility in routing to
amps, leslie and main stagebox. PL6 is used by him to have fast access
to keyboard faders and tap control.

Monitors is done by Parashoot owner – Oscar Söderlund,
using a A&H T112 for controlling 9 Stereo IEM mixes.
All 23 songs are saved separtely in the scene memory,
for the most precice sound, on every tune.

FOH is done by Johan Molund on a DiGiCo SDTEN MADI version .w Waves,
using a Waves PuigChild hardware masterrcomp. And is very happy with
using the IDR preamps.


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