Qu-24 USB drive recording

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu feature suggestions Qu-24 USB drive recording

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of BLKGHOST BLKGHOST 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    Profile photo of Lou

    I was extremely surprised and disappointed to find that my new Qu-24 with firmware 1.4 only records 18 channels to the USB drive. Will this be changed in the next revision? I certainly hope so! It is really chincy. One reason I got rid of my Presonus is it requires a computer to record with. Why doesn’t Qu-24 record all 24 (or 26, or 30) channels to Qu-drive????

    Profile photo of robbocurry

    I’d like this to happen too but at the moment I can live with using a laptop when needed – at least it doesn’t wipe the sound out like my SL16.4.2 did when re-synching mid show! No hoops to jump through either to get it to work. I wasn’t sad to see my two Presonus desks sell on eBay;)

    Profile photo of Lee7

    I doubt this will be updated as it is a hardware limitation, 18 channels is the maximum channel count you can record using the QU-drive, if you want the full 24 you will have to record to a PC/Mac via the USB-B input/output on the rear.


    Profile photo of Lou

    Ho can that be a hardware limitation, when the second USB connector in the back has 32 and 30 channels, two way? What is the difference? Is the top one USB1?

    I can live with it, yes, but it seems a silly compromise to have to make!

    I’d like to hear back form someone at A&H to be sure, and to let them know it is an unfortunate limitation. When I gte paid to record a gig I like to have a backup on a second muedium!

    Profile photo of Hawk

    The limitation is the disk writing speed, not the usb bus speed.

    Profile photo of Lou

    What, because it is USB? Cannot BE! I have a drive in a case with USB and FW800 and it can do a LOT more on FW 800 – unless you can point me to a reference that backs up your claim, I believe it is a board design, not disk limitation. I could be wrong, but it needs to be documented for me! 🙂

    You see I really want those chanels on the Qu-drive! Thanks,


    Profile photo of Hein

    I want to play and record at the same time using the QU-drive.
    For example play channels 1-7 (drums) from the qu-drive and record channels 8 and 9 (guitar and bass) on the QU-drive.
    I realy hope this is going to be possible.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    Yes you can stream a lot more channels from the back but there is no writing involved when you stream from the PC. And not every PC would be able to record let’s say 30 tracks at the same time and a PC has an advantage over the console because of the amount of RAM available that it can use as a buffer. Without a proper buffer size, your hardware needs to be able to write at a higher sustained rate.

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